This function is used to extract meta data as a list from the source file of a MER Structured Dataset, MER NAT_SUBNAT Structured Dataset, Financial Structure Dataset, HRH Structured Dataset, or DATIM Genie export. It creates a list object, metadata, in the global environment containing the source, current fiscal year, current period, current quarter, as well as a caption.
get_metadata(path, type, caption_note)
list of meta data information about the source dataset
Other metadata:
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
meta <- get_metadata() #works if you have stored path to the MSD folder via glamr::set_paths()
meta$curr_fy } # }
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
ref_id <- "1bdf4c4e"
meta <- get_metadata(caption_note = "Created by: The Dream Team")
cntry <- "Saturn"
df <- si_path() %>%
return_latest("OU_IM") %>%
df_viz <- df %>%
filter(operatingunit == cntry,
fiscal_year == meta$curr_fy,
indicator == "TX_NEW",
standardizeddisaggregate == "Total Numerator")
df_viz <- df_viz %>%
group_by(fiscal_year, indicator, mech_code) %>%
summarise(across(c(targets, starts_with("qtr")), sum, na.rm = TRUE),
.groups = "drop")
df_viz <- reshape_msd(df_viz, "quarters")
df_viz %>%
ggplot(aes(period, results_cumulative)) +
geom_col() +
geom_text(data = . %>% filter(., period == meta$curr_pd),
aes(label = results_cumulative),
vjust = -.5) +
facet_wrap(~fct_reorder2(mech_code, period, targets)) +
labs(title = glue("Upward trend in TX_NEW results thru {meta$curr_qtr} quarters") %>% toupper,
subtitle = glue("{cntry} | {meta$curr_fy_lab} cumulative mechanism results"),
x = NULL, y = NULL,
caption = glue("{meta$caption}")) } # }