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gisr 0.4.0

  • Soft depreciation of extact_locations - recommend using grabr::datim_pull_hierarchy
  • Updated extract_facilities - dropping mer_sites parameter
  • Updated extract_boundaries - leveraging grabr::get_ouorgs + clean up
  • Updated get_attributes - switched to datim_orgunits and adding new params: search, baseurl
  • Updated extract_attributes - switching to datim_orgunits with the use of prefix
  • Updated zip_shapefiles - switch to folderpath instead of dest_folder
  • Adding check_columns() for shapefile column names restrictions
  • Updated get_terrain, extract_raster, get_raster to use folderpath and be required
  • Replaced raster with terra per maintenance recommendation
  • Removed sp in favor of sf per maintenance recommendation
  • Removed get_adm_boundaries given depreciation of raster
  • Updated geo_neighbors to require source as an external dataset
  • Adding get_nepolygons as a common way of extracting naturalearth database
  • Adding get_grids for square grids, similar to get_hexbins
  • Updated get_hexbins to require spdf as input + radius
  • Remove generate_hexbins - use get_hexbins instead

gisr 0.3.0

  • Removed duplicative functions from grabr [2023-11-30]
  • Update functions to use baseurl and folderpath as parameter
  • General clean up and documentation

gisr 0.2.2

  • Change instructions to install from rOpenSci [2024-01-04]
  • Add in package status check from gagglr on load [2022-08-15]
  • Improvement and documentation of utility functions
  • Updated vignette for Geodata extraction
  • Updated attributes() to convert all geodata to sf object before extracting data
  • cntry_polygons() extract all boundaries for specific country as a named list
  • spdf_points() generate point spatial data frame
  • spdf_export() a redirect to export_spdf() with column length checks

gisr 0.2.1

  • Improvement and documentation of utility functions
  • Adding vignettes and package site
  • attributes() extract attributes from sf object
  • get_raster() read terrain raster file and other raster file
  • get_attributes() extract OU/Country orgunits attributes for VcPolygons
  • extract_boundaries() extract specific boundaries from VcPolygons
  • extract_roads extract road networks from osm repository
  • export_spdf() export sf objects to shapefiles
  • extract_raster extract raster for AOI
  • zip_shapefiles() compress all shapefile component into a zipped file
  • download_shapefeles() download compressed shapefiles from googledrive

gisr 0.2.0

  • Improvement to basemap functions: crop neighbor countries, add labels on demand
  • Sample code on how to extract country boundaries from PEPFAR Polygons
  • Read tiff file as RasterLayer, get_raster()
  • Identify org levels for country/orgunit, get_ouorglevel()
  • Get list of uids for ou level x, get_ouleveluids()
  • Get list of orgunits uids, get_orguids()

gisr 0.1.0

  • Improvement to basemap functions: crop neighbor countries
  • Parse out PEPFAR OrgHierarchy features
  • Adoption of SI Style Guide


  • Initial set of geosptial utility functions
  • Get country admin 1 boundaries sf features, get_admin1(countries = "Togo")
  • Create basemap from terrain raster data, terrain_map()