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tameDP 6.2

  • Rename join_dp_msd to tame_join to align with package naming convention [2024-03-14]
  • Improve join_dp_msd to work more seamlessly with a PSNUxIM file in addition to a normal TST [2024-03-14]
  • Adjust lazy handling with PSNU to stop if a specific tab is called that is not PSNUxIM [2024-03-14]
  • Remove PrEP_CT as a modality to HTS [2024-03-12]
  • Add join_dp_msd() which returns a dataframe of the TST output joined with historical data from the MSD [2024-03-04]
  • Include the inclusion of PLHIV_Resident variablbe, a target type column that was not previously being exported [2024-03-04]
  • When extracting SUBNAT data, limit to just the Cascade tab to avoid any dupilicate counting [2023-03-04]
  • Add grabr as a dependency to improve credential handling when getting mechanism information from DATIM [2024-02-29]
  • Resolve bug with PSNUxIM file where output was missing mechanism related information [2024-02-29]

tameDP 6.1

  • Resolve bug creating OVC_HIVSTAT_D (was coming out OVC_SERV_D)) and remove associated age from OVC_HIVSTAT [2024-02-27]
  • Remove prior year OVC_STAT & TB_STAT (N) due to disagg aggregation and incomplete disaggs [2024-02-26]
  • Add error handing if valid tab is chosen in type param for tame_dp but not found in TST file [2024-02-22]
  • Convert stop errors from stop to use cli::cli_abort [2024-02-22]
  • Resolve across bug of “Using across() without supplying .cols was deprecated in dplyr 1.1.0”, which affected handing with PSNUxIM TST [2024-02]
  • Improve handling if the type param in tame_dp is kept to the default (“ALL”) but the file is a “PSNUxIM” TST [2024-02-22]
  • Update language in the Extracting Targets vignette retiring the use of PLHIV in favor of using SUBNAT introduced in v5.1 [2024-02-22]
  • Resolve bug created when no OVC targets exist in the TST [2024-02-22]
  • Resolve issue causing OVC_HIVSTAT_D not to be included in the dataset [2024-02-22]
  • Improve code for ordering variables [2024-02-15]
  • Include “<02 Months” and “02 - 12 Months” from PMTCT_EID to trendscoarse [2024-02-15]
  • Add target_age_2024 and target_modality_2024 for alignment with MSD [2024-02-15]
  • Clean up README and Vignettes [2024-02-14]

tameDP 6.0

  • Add in trendscoarse to exported dataset [2024-01-19]
  • Calculated OVC_HIVSTAT_D, PMTCT_STAT_POS, and PMTCT_ART_D targets [2024-01-19]
  • Adjust standardizeddisaggregate mapping (mer_disagg_mapping) for HTS_INDEX, OVC_HIVSTAT, PrEP_NEW (KP), and TB_STAT [2024-01-19]
  • Cover page now uses FY instead of COP, so updated grab_info to handle either [2024-01-16]
  • Update documentation to reflect COP24 [2024-01-16]
  • Archive COP23 version under branch archive_cop23 [2024-01-05]

tameDP 5.1

  • Change instructions to install from rOpenSci [2024-01-04]
  • Remove prior year’s HTS targets, which are only coming from the TB modality [2023-03-29]
  • Break out the OVC Program Status Care Giver (18+) [2023-03-17]
  • Add additional disagg for PrEP_CT’s Test Results [2023-03-17]
  • Update mapping tab, mer_disagg_mapping to adopt some of the new disagg naming conventions changing in FY24 based on pepfar-datim/datapackr output [2023-03-17]
  • Create tame_subnat to replace tame_plhiv (soft deprecated) [2023-03-17]

tameDP 5.0.0

  • Include a the file name (source_name) and process date/time (source_processed) in the dataset output [2023-03-02]
  • Transform PrEP_CT.TestResult into an HTS testing modality in convert_mods [2023-03-02]
  • Limit modalities to match new targeted modalities [2023-03-02]
  • Update stored country list [ou_ctry_mapping] with FY23 countries [2023-03-02]
  • Updated standardizeddisaggregate mapping table (mer_disagg_mapping) to match FY23 targets [2023-03-02]
  • Make the otherdisaggregate parsing dynamic, rather that explicit [2023-03-02]
  • Adjust HTS.Index to HTS_Index to match other indicators [2023-03-02]
  • Correctly adjust year for Year 2 targets [2023-03-01]
  • Remove references to SNU1, which is no longer included as a column in the Prioritization tab of the Target Setting Tool [2023-03-01]
  • Align tameDP to work for new, COP23 Target Setting Tools [2023-03-01]

tameDP 4.0.4

  • Add package check from gagglr [2022-08-15]
  • Align column names with the new names in the MSD as of FY22Q2 [2022-05-16]

tameDP 4.0.3

  • Addressed bug with OVC that duplicated rows due to m:m join with mer_disagg_mapping [2022-04-20]
  • Add handling if prioritization tab is missing so tame_dp will work with OPU Data Packs which do not include this tab [2022-04-20]
  • Resolves bug with reference to mech_code in get_names when mech_code may not exist [2022-04-12]
  • Calculate deduplication (00000) mechanism rather than importing values from PSNUxIM tab [2022-03-23]
  • Add regional operatingunit as country names, ou_ctry_mapping, to resolve issue with Jamaica [2022-03-21; 2022-03-30]
  • Replaces old code for get_names to utilize gophr::rename_official given size complexities introduced in the past few quarters. [2022-03-15]
  • Adds [gophr][] and [glamr][] to the package dependencies [2022-03-15] for use of gophr::rename_official. [2022-03-15]
  • Pulls SNU1 column from Prioritization tab to apply to data frame if using PSNUxIM, which does not have a SNU1 column included in the tab. [2022-03-15]

tameDP 4.0.2

  • Resolve incorrect disaggregation for TX_PREV, HTS_TST, and HTS_TST_POS [2022-03-10]
  • Include historic MER results and targets in the output dataset [2022-02-23]
  • Merge prioritizations onto target dataframe [2022-02-23]

tameDP 4.0.1

  • Ensure data types are correct prior to disaggregate binding in map_disaggs.
  • Add vignette on combining with the MSD
  • Allow tame_dp to read in specific tabs instead of the preset “types”.

tameDP 4.0.0

  • Add vignettes to the package.
  • Add ou_ctry_mapping to align countries to their Operating Units.
  • Update tame_dp to work with COP22 Data Packs.
  • Allow tame_dp to read in targets from all sheets or PSNUxIM tab.
  • Consolidate SUBNAT/PLHIV extract into tame_dp instead of separate function.
  • Applied new logic for split_psnu introduced by errors with OPU generation
  • Aligned exact DATIM target disaggregation with Data Pack data through map_disaggs.
  • Build site and improve documentation.