Export Tidy data from Target Setting Tool
tame_dp is the primary function of the tameDP package, reading in the Data Pack and munging in into a tidy data frame to make it more usable to interact with the data than the way it is stored in the Target Setting Tool. **Given the changes to the Target Setting Tool each year, the function only works for the current COP year: COP24.**
- filepath
file path to the Target Setting Tool importing, must be .xlsx
- type
dataset to extract "PSNUxIM", "SUBNAT", or "ALL" [default] or a specific tab
- map_names
import names from DATIM (OU, mechanism, partner) associated with mech_code
- psnu_lvl
aggregate to the PSNU level instead of IM
The main function of `tameDP` is to bring import a COP Target Setting Tool into R and make it tidy. The function aggregates the COP targets up to the mechanism level, imports the mechanism information from DATIM, and breaks out the data elements to make the dataset more usable.
- Imports Target Setting Tool as tidy data frame - Breaks up data elements stored in the indicatorCode column into distinct columns - Cleans up the HTS variables, separating modalities out of the indicator name - Creates a statushiv column - Cleans and separates PSNU and PSNU UID into distinct columns - Adds in mechanism information from DATIM, including operatingunit, funding agency, partner and mechanism name - Removes any rows with no targets - Allows for aggregate to the PSNU level
See also
Other primary:
if (FALSE) {
#DP file path
path <- "../Downloads/DataPack_Jupiter_20500101.xlsx"
#read in Target Setting Tool (straight from sheets, not PSNUxIM tab)
df_tst <- tame_dp(path)
#read in PLHIV/SUBNAT data
df_tst <- tame_dp(path, type = "SUBNAT")
#read in PSNUxIM data
df_tst <- tame_dp(path, type = "PSNUxIM")
#apply mechanism names
df_tst_named <- tame_dp(path, type = "PSNUxIM", map_names = TRUE)
#aggregate to the PSNU level
df_tst_psnu <- tame_dp(path, type = "PSNUxIM", psnu_lvl = TRUE)
#reading in multiple files and then applying mechanism names (for PSNUxIM)
df_all <- map_dfr(.x = list.files("../Downloads/DataPacks", full.names = TRUE),
.f = ~ tame_dp(.x, map_names = FALSE))
df_all <- get_names(df_all)