Join TST output with MSD output
Join TST output with MSD output
- tst_filepath
file path to the Target Setting Tool importing, must be .xlsx
- msd_filepath
filepath to the latest PSNUxIM MSD for corresponding OU
- fy_as_str
should FY be converted to a string (2025 > FY25) for Tableau? (default = TRUE)
- map_names
import names from DATIM (OU, mechanism, partner) associated with mech_code when working with PSNUxIM (default = FALSE)
dataframe that combines targets from the TST with corresponding historic results/targets from MSD
if (FALSE) {
#TST file path
tst_path <- "../Downloads/DataPack_Jupiter_20500101.xlsx"
# MSD filepath
msd_path <- "../Data/MER_Structured_TRAINING_Datasets_PSNU_IM_FY59-61_20240215_v1_1.zip"
#run join function
df_join <- tame_join(tst_path, msd_path)
#run join function without converting the fiscal year to a string (used in Tableau)
df_join <- tame_join(tst_path, msd_path, fy_as_str = FALSE)
#run join function with PSNUxIM & map on mechanism info to TST dataframe
df_join <- tame_join(tst_path, msd_path, map_names = TRUE)