• Add hfr_rectify_date for resolving incorrectly submitted dates (YYYY-DD-MM) by creating a new version with the correct date and a version that zeros out the data submitted under the wrong date for reprocess via Trifacta [2022-01-20]
  • Add gagglr dependency to flag (on attach) if the package if out of date [2022-08-15]
  • Replace glamr reference that now sit under grabr [2022-08-15]
  • Remove legacy code that converted missing cells to 0s on reshape in pull_mer [2022-06-10]
  • Add a ddcpv_check to check and resolve issues DDC cannot handle with submissions.
  • Create functions to streamline the processing in data-raw/scrapwork.R
  • Resolve bug in Q3 where hierarchy in DATIM was adjusted
  • Update iso_map due to new hierarchy
  • add “na” to fix_noncompliance()
  • Resolve bug that converted NAs to zeros when wide formats were used
  • Restricts output value to integer (rounding any decimal values to the nearest integer)
  • Fixes UIDs issues that may have hidden line break in cell
  • Fix export of periods to be padded string, so 2020.10 does not appear as 2020.1
  • Add additional template option, Wide - Limited, for optional use during COVID Response
  • Adjust validations and processing to account for additional template + options
  • Fix issue with ordering disconnect between wide/long with age and sex in hfr_gather()
  • Replace any spaces in indicator with an underscore (_) in hfr_munge_string()
  • Adjusted pull_mer() to handle FY20 HTS result modalities and temporary TX_CURR DATIM bug (FY20Q1 does not show up under Oct 2019 to Sep 2020 only under quartelry results)
  • Update mypwd() to work on unix OS, not just PC
  • Add hfr_filter_pd() to filter when exporting processed files to restrict export to just the period of choice.
  • Add hfr_restrict_cols() to remove any non HFR columns submitted in template
  • Adjust export to handle exporting by mechanims
  • Add validations to run inline with import
    • before import, check there are sheets to import (contain HFR in tab name), pull meta data in, and identify import/ignored tabs, validate_initial()
    • after import, validate that the correct columns exists and if there are extras, validate_import()
    • at end, check columns, dates, orgunituids, mechanisms, indicators, and disaggs, validate_output()
  • rename scripts for pulling DATIM data, pull_()
  • Added function to extract all OU/country hierarchies, hierarchy_pull()
  • Added function to pull mechanism information from DATIM, mech_pull()
  • Update iso_map data to be sourced from DATIM
  • Centralize additional functions to a utlities script
  • Moved periodize_targets() from hfr_datim_api() into own script and renamed hfr_gap_target()
  • Added curr_fy() to return the current fiscal year
  • Update hfr_export() to include period and handle all saving types
  • Removed unused function, identify_mechs()
  • Adjust identify_ouuids() to capture country UIDs under regional missions
  • Rename functions to conform to a model of hfr_*()
  • Added function to read in HFR processed/output file, hfr_read()
  • Update README
  • Update with period 2020.01 with standardized template
  • Added function to import standardized template, import_hfr()
  • Added function to adjust wide template to long, gather_hfr()
  • Added function to handle adjustments to indicator names, age, sex, and mecahnism, munge_string()
  • Added function to address issues with submissions, fix_noncompliance()
  • Update fix_date() to handle different date formats submitted
  • Added function to rectify non-HFR week days submitted, round_date()
  • Update assign_pds() and identify_pds() to fix bug with fiscal year and be more automated
  • Add function to aggregate data to reduce rows, aggr_hfr()
  • Add function to formalize some of the data checks to the data, run_checks()
  • Added function to import Lesotho data, structure_lso()
  • Added function to run structure_*() based on ISO code, unify_hfr()
  • Added function to arrange variables in select order for unified output, order_vars()
  • Added function to import Burundi data, structure_bdi()
  • Added function to pull out header row names, extract_headers()
  • Added function to import Haiti dataset, structure_hti()
  • Added function for reshaping long, reshape_long()
  • Added function for importing Haiti that pulls in and combines multiple header rows, identify_headers_hti()
  • Added function to import Uganda system output, structure_tza()
  • Add function for exporting as a .txt, export_hfd(), including adding in an ISO code mapping table for naming data(iso_map)
  • Added function to name operatingunits, add_ou() since this code was replicated in each dataset
  • Added an indicator mapping for Uganda, data(ind_map_uga), with full list of collected indicators and ones that we are currently collecting for OHA, breaking out disaggs.
  • Added function to import Democratic Republic of the Congo partner files, structure_cod()
  • Added age mapping for age bands, data(age_map) and apply_agebands()
  • Added function to import Tanzania system output and weekly partner files, structure_tza()
  • Added an indicator mapping for Tanznaia, data(ind_map_tza), with full list of collected indicators and ones that we are currently collecting for OHA, breaking out disaggs.
  • Added a NEWS.md file to track changes to the package.