All functions |
Apply Time Stamp to file and |
Validate output content |
Validate dates |
Validate disaggs for export |
Check OUs listed in operatingunit |
Validate indicators for export |
Validate mechanisms for export |
Validate orgunituids for export |
Validate columns for export |
Checks template's columns |
Confirm validations of processed files |
Count missing values |
Current Fiscal Year |
DDC Pre-Validation Check |
Download New Submission to upload |
Extract OU ISO3 code |
Extract mechanism code |
Flag Extra Variables |
Flag Missing Variables |
Generate a API URL |
DATIM API Call for Targets |
DATIM API Call for Targets |
Get operating unit name |
Get operating unit name |
Aggregate HFR dataframe |
#' Append HFR and DATIM Data |
Add HFR Period column |
Export High Frequency Data |
Export csv files by mechanism |
Extract Meta Data Information about Template |
Filter to Select HFR Period |
Convert dates to date format |
Resolve issues with non-standard entries |
Generate Gap Targets |
Reshape HFR Data frame long |
Create Monthly Aggregate for Weekly data |
DDC Status Report Google Sheet ID |
Identify reporting frequency |
Create a data frame of HFR weeks and periods |
Import template sheet(s) |
Standardized Text |
Search Org Hierarchy for Org Unit |
Import and Munge HFR Standard Templates |
Read in HFR output file |
Batch read hfr files |
Rectify Incorrectly Submitted Dates |
Restrict HFR data frame columns |
Round Date Values |
Clean up DATIM Hierarchy Path |
Pull Hierarchy Data from DATIM |
Extract country name from OU or country name |
Rename Hierarchy from Levels to OU/SNU1/PSNU/Facility |
Identify Facility/Community levels in org hierarchy |
Identify New Submissions on Google Drive |
Pull OU UIDS |
ISO Code Mapping Table |
Validate reporting dates |
Determine if there are tabs to import |
Validate mechanism code |
Validate mechanism code |
Determine whether meta tab exists |
Check if orgunituid exist in operating unit |
Check if Operating Unit name is valid |
Check if OperatingUnit is valid |
Load DATIM Look up tables |
Identify S3 file names matching Ignored files |
OPM Holiday |
Check if package exists |
Paint console text in blue |
Paint console text in green |
Paint console text in red |
Paint console text in yellow |
Parse out submitted file components |
Compile PEPFAR Hierarchy |
Pull Partner/Mechanism Info from DATIM |
Extract DATIM Results and Targets (DATIM API Call) |
Report files validation |
Revert validated file to processed files |
Download from S3 and push to Google Drive |
Column Headers for HFR Long Template |
Column Headers for HFR Indicator Meta Data |
Column Headers for HFR Wide Template |
Column Headers for HFR Wide - Limited Template |
Import and munge submitted site list |
Update USAID Mechanism meta table |
Update MER meta table |
Update Organization Hierarchy meta table |
Update MER targets from MSD (prior to site results being available) |
Update invalid operating units |
Push meta tables to Google Drive and s3 |
Validate HFR PD Date |
Validate processed hfr data |
Validation on import |
Initial Validation on Submitted template |
Validate mechanism code |
Validate org unit uid |
Validation Checks |
Validate submitted files |
Validate files |
Check if variable exist |