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This vignette serves as a data dictionary for the UNAIDS Estimates Data pulled from the EDMS. It will cover the data structure and variables, as well as provide an overview of the indicators included. Finally, it will touch briefly on common use cases and which data tab to access for those analytics.

UNAIDS Clean Data Structure

Let’s first take a look at the data structure.

df_unaids <- load_unaids(pepfar_only = TRUE)
#> Rows: 67,868
#> Columns: 16
#> $ year             <int> 1990, 1990, 1990, 1990, 1990, 1990, 1990, 1990, 1990,…
#> $ iso              <chr> "AGO", "AGO", "AGO", "AGO", "AGO", "AGO", "AGO", "AGO…
#> $ country          <chr> "Angola", "Angola", "Angola", "Angola", "Angola", "An…
#> $ pepfar           <lgl> TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE,…
#> $ region           <chr> "Eastern and southern Africa", "Eastern and southern …
#> $ indicator        <chr> "Prevalence", "Prevalence", "Prevalence", "Number AID…
#> $ indicator_type   <chr> "Rate", "Rate", "Rate", "Integer", "Integer", "Intege…
#> $ age              <chr> "15-49", "15-24", "15-24", "All", "0-14", "15+", "All…
#> $ sex              <chr> "All", "Female", "Male", "All", "All", "All", "All", …
#> $ estimate         <dbl> 8.0e-01, 7.0e-01, 3.0e-01, 2.8e+03, 1.2e+03, 1.6e+03,…
#> $ lower_bound      <dbl> 5.0e-01, 3.0e-01, 1.0e-01, 1.6e+03, 7.0e+02, 9.1e+02,…
#> $ upper_bound      <dbl> 1.0, 1.2, 0.5, 3800.0, 1500.0, 2300.0, 100.0, 6600.0,…
#> $ estimate_flag    <chr> NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, "less than", NA, NA, NA, NA, …
#> $ achv_95_plhiv    <lgl> NA, NA, NA, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE,…
#> $ achv_95_relative <lgl> NA, NA, NA, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE,…
#> $ achv_epi_control <lgl> NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, N

The data are a panel dataset of countries from 1990 to 2023 reporting on 19 different indicators. Each of those indicators may be disaggregated by some combination of age and sex as seen in the table below. Its also important to mention that the values are provided as estimates, which have lower and upper bounds.

Estimates may be been reported with character values, e.g. “<100” or “>98”. In order to analyze and plot this data, we have removed the character values and noted them in the estimate_flag column.

We have also provided a few additional columns to the dataset:

  • pepfar: a logical value that notes whether the country is a PEPFAR country or not
  • indicator_type: a character value that tells you whether the estimate is an integer, percentage, rate, or ratio
  • achv_95_plhiv and achv_95_relative: a logical value that identifies whether the country in a given year has achieved all three 95 goals (with PLHIV or relative base, see ) with the point estimate. This achievement is broken down by each age and sex group (All, 0-15, 15+, Female/15+ Male/15+)
  • achv_epi_control: a logical value that identifies whether a country in a given year has achieved all three requirements for epidemic control (IMR less than 1 and both new infections and deaths declining, see ).
Integer Indicators
Number AIDS Related Deaths All, 0-14, 15+
Number Deaths Averted by ART All
Number Infections Averted by PMTCT 0-14
Number Known Status of PLHIV All, 0-14, 15+, Female/15+, Male/15+
Number New HIV Infections All, 0-14, 15+
Number PLHIV All, 0-14, 15+, Female/15+
Number PMTCT Needing ART Female/15-49
Number PMTCT Receiving ART Female/15-49
Number Total Deaths to HIV Population All, Female, Male
Number VLS of PLHIV All, 0-14, 15+, Female/15+, Male/15+
Number on ART of PLHIV All, 0-14, 15+, Female/15+, Male/15+
Percent Indicators
Percent Known Status of PLHIV All, 0-14, 15+, Female/15+, Male/15+
Percent VLS of PLHIV All, 0-14, 15+, Female/15+, Male/15+
Percent VLS on ART All, 0-14, 15+, Female/15+, Male/15+
Percent on ART of PLHIV All, 0-14, 15+, Female/15+, Male/15+
Percent on ART with Known Status All, 0-14, 15+, Female/15+, Male/15+
Rate Indicators
Incidence (per 1,000) All
Prevalence 15-49, Female/15-24, Male/15-24
Ratio Indicators
Incidence mortality ratio (IMR) All

As you can see, there are multiple different disaggregates, especially across indicators. For instance, if you were looking at “Number AIDS Related Deaths”, there is total and age disaggregates for 0-14 and 15+, but its not broken down by sex.

As such, it is important to filter for the age/sex/indicator type disaggregates that are you interested in before diving further into your analytics to avoid any potential double counting.