Making maps with R, the level field for most data analysts …



This session of the RBBS covers the Introduction to Mapping and Geospatial Analytics with R and some its most popular packages - sp, sf, raster, osmdata, rnaturalearth, and gisr.

The session agenda is below:

1) R Packages for Geospatial Analytics 2) Spatial Data Acquisition 3) Spatial Data Visualization

USAID staff can use this link to access today’s recording (not available to external users).

R Spatial Packages

Let’s install couple R Packages useful for Mapping and Spatial Analytics. Each of these packages has it’s strength and weaknesses:

  • sp is good for spatial data manipulation
  • sf is good for vector data processing and works well with tidyverse and ggplot2
  • raster is good for raster data (imagery) processing and allows for Geodata Extraction and Manipulation
  • rnaturalearth vector & raster data and we’ve used it to download country - administrative boundaries
  • osmdata roads network data from Open Street Map
  • gisr is a SI R package that we’ve put together to organize some of the most recurrent geo-related functions

Installing Packages

# Grand father of all Spatial Data Packages
# Simple Feature for R
# Spatial Data manipulation
# Good resource for vector and raster data
# SI Packages for Mapping and Spatial Analytics
# Data munging and visualization

Spatial Data Acquisition

raster package allows users to download country boundaries geodata from gadm

The package will download rds files to users’ local directory (User or R Project root directory) as sp and SpatialPolygonsDataFrame data format.

There are multiple types of dataset available through this package

  • GADM: Vector data
  • SRTM: Topography data
  • alt: Elevation data
  • worldclim: raster data

Spatial Data Acquisition


# Setup folder
glamr::folder_setup(folder_list = list("geodata"))

dir_geodata <- "geodata"

# Download Admins boundaries

# Level 0 - National Boundaries
adm0 <- getData("GADM", country = "CIV", level = 0, 
                download = TRUE, path = dir_geodata)

# Level 1 - Regions / province
adm1 <- getData("GADM", country = "CIV", level = 1, 
                download = TRUE, path = dir_geodata)

adm2 <- getData("GADM", country = "CIV", level = 2, 
                download = TRUE, path = dir_geodata)

Spatial Data Acquisition

rnaturaleath package also allows users to extract geodata from Natural Earth

The difference here is that data is directly loaded into memory and not saved on local directory, and available as sf and data.frame.


## National Boundaries
civ0 <- ne_countries(country = "Ivory Coast", scale = "small", returnclass = "sf")

## Regions / province
civ1 <- ne_states(country = "Ivory Coast", returnclass = "sf")

Spatial Data Acquisition

osmdata is a bit broad but is mostly used for roads network datasets. This package allows users to extract roads network geodata from Open Street Map through the Overpass API

Data is also loaded directly into memory.

Spatial Data Acquisition

Below are a couple of examples for OSM Data extraction.


# Define a boundary
bbx1 = c(51.1, 0.1, 51.2, 0.2)
# Initiate a query
query1 <- opq(bbox = bbx1)
# Add features
query1 %>% add_osm_feature(key = "highway") %>% osmdata_sf()

query1 %>% add_osm_features(features = c("\"amenity\"=\"restaurant\"")) %>% osmdata_sf()

# Use of exisiting futures
civ1 %>% 
  dplyr::filter(name == "Savanes") %>% 
  sf::st_bbox() %>% 
  unname() %>% 
  opq(bbox = .) %>% 
  add_osm_feature(key = "highway", value = "street") %>% 

Download Admins boundaries - with GISR

Can you download geodata with gisr package? Yes.

gisr has wrapper functions for facilitate the use of others spatial data packages.


# from rnaturalearth - we extract national and region boundaries of Togo
get_admin0(countries = "Togo")
get_admin1(countries = "Togo")

# from raster package - we do the same as obove
get_adm_boundaries(country_code = "TGO", geo_path = dir_geodata)

# OSM - we extract roads network for Cote d'Ivoire
extract_roads(aoi = civ0)

Read PEPFAR Orgunit/Boundaries - with GISR

gisr has functions to help users extract specific boundaries from PEPFAR VcPepfarPolygones

This GISR Article provides more details on how to manipulate spatial data.

# Vector Paths
dir_vector <- glamr::si_path(type = "path_vector")

# this works for the perfect setup with the default parameters values
spdf_pepfar <- get_vcpolygons(path = file.path('..', dir_vector)) 

# for custom use, you will need to specify the path and name of the file
spdf_pepfar <- get_vcpolygons(path = "geodata", name = "pepfar.shp")

Extract PEPFAR Orgunit/Boundaries - with GISR

Here we extract specific boundaries

cntry <- "Zambia"
cntry_uid <- glamr::get_ouuid(cntry)

# Country boundaries - query from datim
spdf_cntry <- spdf_pepfar %>% 
  extract_boundaries(country = cntry, level = 3)

# Country boundaries - with a simple filter
spdf_cntry <- spdf_pepfar %>% 
  filter(uid == cntry_uid)

Extract PEPFAR Orgunit/Boundaries - with GISR

Here were extract all boundaries for a specific country.

cntry <- "South Africa"
cntry_uid <- glamr::get_ouuid(cntry)

# All country boundaries
spdf_cntry_orgs <- spdf_pepfar %>% 

# Explore results - list of all available features
# snu1, community", prioritization", country
spdf_cntry_orgs %>% names()
spdf_cntry_orgs$country %>% gview()
spdf_cntry_orgs$snu1 %>% gview()
spdf_cntry_orgs$community %>% gview()

Spatial Data Visualization

There are multiple ways to visualize geodata: plot or ggplot or gisr


# plotting sp data
plot(adm0, main = "Cote d'Ivoire")

# transform sp to sf
cntry <- st_as_sf(adm0)

regions <- st_as_sf(adm1)

# Transform geodata with dplyr
regions <- regions %>% 
  dplyr::select(name = NAME_1)

# Visualize sf data with ggplot
ggplot(data = regions) +
  geom_sf(aes(fill = name), show.legend = F)

Spatial Data Visualization

# Change default style and remove theme
ggplot(data = regions) +
  geom_sf(aes(fill = name), color = "white", size = .5, show.legend = FALSE) +
  labs(title = "Cote d'Ivoire - Regional sub-divisions") +

# Cartographic?
ggplot() +
  geom_sf(data = cntry, fill = NA, color = glitr::grey70k, size = 1) +
  geom_sf(data = regions, fill = NA, color = glitr::grey50k, size = .3, linetype = "dotted") +
  geom_sf(data = cntry, fill = NA, color = glitr::grey30k, size = .3, show.legend = FALSE) +
  labs(title = "Cote d'Ivoire - Regional sub-divisions") +

Spatial Data Visualization with gisr

countryname <- "Nigeria"

adm0 <- gisr::get_admin0(countries = countryname) %>% 

adm1 <- gisr::get_admin1(countries = countryname) %>% 

adm0 %>% gisr::gview()

Spatial Data Visualization with gisr

adm1 %>% 
  gisr::gview() + 
  ggplot2::geom_sf_text(data = adm1, ggplot2::aes(label = name), size = 3)

Spatial Data Visualization with gisr

terrain_map(countries = countryname, 
            adm0 = adm0,
            adm1 = adm1,
            mask = TRUE,
            terr = file.path("..", glamr::si_path("path_raster"))) +
  geom_sf(data = adm1, fill = NA)