Dynamic Scripting Workflow
2021-10-25 Aaron Chafetz
corps munging wrangling automation vizualisation
coRps Session on Dynamic Scripting Workflow
Our goal today is to see how we can be more dynamic in our code, allowing for automation of our workflows and decreasing the time it takes to update munging, analysis, or visualization each time your data are refreshed. With that in mind, we’ll walk through a typical workflow. Our work will be guided by answering the following question: is USAID/Tanzania on track to reaching it’s FY21 TX_NEW targets and how does this compare to prior years?
Let’s start by load our standard set of packages for munging and
plotting MER data. Packages like glitr
, glamr
, and gophr
USAID/OHA custom packages.
library(glitr) #remotes::install_github("USAID-OHA-SI/glitr", build_vignettes = TRUE)
library(glamr) #remotes::install_github("USAID-OHA-SI/glamr", build_vignettes = TRUE)
library(gophr) #remotes::install_github("USAID-OHA-SI/gohpr", build_vignettes = TRUE)
Download MSD
We’ll need the OUxIM MSD for this exercise. You can manually download it
from PEPFAR Panorama or follow the
steps in the glamr
vignette, called “Data Extraction from
We won’t have time to walk through the download automation today, but
this is a super great resource added in FY21Q3.
Access most recent MSD
Given the size of the MER Strutured Datasets (MSDs), we typically store
the most recent files in a central folder locally rather than having
each project folder having it’s own separate set of MSD files. Since my
folder location for the data will be different than you’re we’ve creates
a way for you to store the folder path in your .Rprofile so that we can
all run the same code without having to manually change anything. If you
don’t have your MSD folder path saved, you can use set_paths()
below to store your path
set_paths(folderpath_msd = "C:/Users/spower/Documents/Data")
Now that you have the path stored, you can utilize this in combination
with glamr::return_latest()
, to return the latest file (the MSD) that
matches a specific pattern. In this case, we want the OUxIM FY19-22
dataset. And then lastly, we can read in the file using
(the first time you download the file, you should
convert it to a compressed .rds file to take up less space -
read_msd(path, save_rds = TRUE, remove_txt = TRUE)
df <- si_path() %>%
return_latest("OU_IM_FY19") %>%
The MSD is loaded into our R session so we can start using it. We’re going to start by specifying the indicator we want to work with as an object, allowing us to use it in multiple places in our analysis and make it easier to update if needed.
ind_sel <- "TX_NEW"
To answer the question, we need to limit our dataset down to just
USAID/Tanzania for TX_NEW. We only need the total numerator and we’ll
aggregate this up to by fiscal year. I’ve also included the indicator in
the group_by()
since we’ll need it to preform our quarterly reshape
(the function needs to know the indicator to then know if it should use
a snapshot or cumulative value when creating the cumulative sum).
df_tza <- df %>%
filter(operatingunit == "Tanzania",
fundingagency == "USAID",
indicator == ind_sel,
standardizeddisaggregate == "Total Numerator") %>%
group_by(fiscal_year, indicator) %>%
summarise(across(c("targets", starts_with("qtr")), sum, na.rm = TRUE),
.groups = "drop")
The reshape will drop future periods, but we want to keep anything in
the current FY for our plot, so we give any quarter in the current FY a
negative value to keep it (it will drop if its zero). We need to know
the current fiscal year, so we call pull that using
, which uses information from the file name to
know the current period.
(curr_fy <- source_info(return = "fiscal_year"))
## [1] 2021
df_tza <- df_tza %>%
~ ifelse(. == 0 & fiscal_year == curr_fy, -1, .))) %>%
reshape_msd("quarters", qtrs_keep_cumulative = TRUE) %>%
mutate(results = na_if(results, -1),
results_cumulative = ifelse(is.na(results), NA, results_cumulative))
In our plot we want to track cumulative quarterly achievement against an estimated quarterly target, so we need to extract the quarter from the period and use that to calcuate the quarterly target. We’ll also add annotation text to label this in the plot.
df_tza <- df_tza %>%
adorn_achievement() %>%
group_by(fiscal_year) %>%
mutate(qtr = str_sub(period, -1) %>% as.numeric,
targets_qtrly = targets * (qtr/4)) %>%
ungroup() %>%
mutate(anno_lab = case_when(period == max(period) ~ "avg. quarterly\n target"))
We used source_info()
earlier to get the year, but we will now use it
to get other information so we can make our text dynamic in the plot.
We’ll also create a data frame (curr_achv
) that has information that
will be included in the plot, rather than manually editing the
(msd_source <- source_info())
## FY21Q3c MSD
(curr_pd <- source_info(return = "period"))
## FY21Q3
curr_achv <- df_tza %>%
filter(fiscal_year == curr_fy) %>%
mutate(avg = mean(results, na.rm = TRUE),
gap = targets - results_cumulative,
gap_qtrly = gap / (4 - qtr),
direction = ifelse(avg > gap_qtrly, "less than", "above")) %>%
filter(period == curr_pd)
Alright, now it’s time to plot. We are plotting cumulative results by period as well as the quarterly targets. We’ve added in the annotation to the current fiscal year’s Q4 point. Most of the dyanmic text is occurring in the title and caption.
df_tza %>%
ggplot(aes(period, results_cumulative, group = fiscal_year)) +
geom_line(aes(y = targets_qtrly), color = trolley_grey, size = .8, linetype = "dashed") +
geom_line(size = 1, color = moody_blue, na.rm = TRUE) +
geom_point(size = 3, color = moody_blue, na.rm = TRUE) +
geom_text(aes(y = targets_qtrly, label = anno_lab), na.rm = TRUE,
family = "Source Sans Pro", color = trolley_grey, nudge_x = -.5) +
facet_grid(~ fiscal_year, scales = "free_x") +
expand_limits(y = 0) +
scale_y_continuous(labels = comma) +
labs(x = NULL, y = NULL,
title = glue("THROUGH {curr_pd}, USAID HAS <span style = 'color:{curr_achv$achv_color};'>ACHIEVED {percent(curr_achv$achievement_qtrly, 1)}</span> OF THE <span style = 'color:{curr_achv$achv_color};'>{ind_sel} </span>TARGET"),
subtitle = glue("The remaining gap of {comma(curr_achv$gap, 1)} {ind_sel} is {curr_achv$direction} USAID's average **<span style = 'color:{moody_blue};'>quarterly results </span>**in {str_sub(curr_pd, end = 4)}."),
caption = glue("Source: {msd_source}
US Agency for International Development")) +
si_style_ygrid() +
theme(strip.text.x = element_blank(),
plot.title = element_markdown(),
plot.subtitle = element_markdown())
Take a look over the code and compare that with the plot. If we ran this again next quarter, we wouldn’t have to change anything at all. If we wanted to look at HTS_TST_POS instead, we can swap that out at the very tope and just rerun the code, no need to hunt for each place you used the static text.
Structuring your code in this way might take a bit more work to think through when you get started, but it makes your code much more robust, transparent, and reproducible.