
From August 28-September 1, 2023, our division put on the USAID Global Data Skills Workshop in Bangkok, Thailand. For two and a half days, participants broke out into three different tracks by software preference (Excel, Tableau, R).

Goals - Understand how to optimize data lifecycles and workflows, build data skills in data visualization and statistical softwares and facilitate the sharing of critical data insights and solutions by Mission-based colleagues.

Objectives - Learn how to execute related and scalable functions in one of 3 tracks focused on Excel, Tableau or R/RStudio and principles on the following topics:

  1. Data collection, pipelines, processing, and management; examples include working with imperfect data by learning how to profile and clean your data, and transforming a raw dataset into tidy data;
  2. Data Visualization/Summaries, such as understanding the basic concepts of a plot and how to select the right visualization for a given analysis, learning how to layer information from multi-dimensional data to build upon the plot/s, and applying the OHA Style Guide to develop impactful visualizations;
  3. Data Storytelling for data-driven, purposeful deliverables that translate into action.

The below materials were used for the R tracks. All material have a CC-BY-NC license,

…[enabling] reusers to distribute, remix, adapt, and build upon the material in any medium or format for noncommercial purposes only, and only so long as attribution is given to the creator. CC BY-NC includes the following elements:

  • BY: credit must be given to the creator.
  • NC: Only noncommercial uses of the work are permitted.

The contents of the R training presentations were created specifically for the 2023 USAID Global Data Skills Workshop. If you plan on using and/or adapting any of the content from this session, please do the following:

  • contact the content creators, Aaron Chafetz (achafetz@usaid.gov) and Tim Essam (tessam@usaid.gov) as well as the OHA/SIEI Capacity Building group (gh.oha.siei.capacitybuilding@usaid.gov) for tracking purposes;
  • ensure you have an attributions slide that states, “Content adapted from: Chafetz, A and T Essam. (2023 August). USAID Global Data Skills Workshop.”; and
  • provide a link to this page for the original source material


Working with Data in R

Data Visualizaton Fundamentals

Data Visualization in R

Pulling It All Together